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Monday, March 16, 2009

a new smattering of.. EVERYTHING! ( almost)

1hr 40 mins painting time on masonite.. sometimes i want more time on these short figures!!!

below - the happy lady! about 1 hr 40 mins again - 12 x 16 canvas board..the model didn't show for megan's workshop.. so I painted.. megan ;-) about an hour or so..

quick study of bonobo monkeys on birch board treated w/gesso. about 1 hour.. 4 X 11 I think.. and it's SOLD! :-)

beat up old truck quick study on canvas panel ( 8 x 10) .. fun to paint!

quick study from class - little iron and tiny plastic apple .. plus atomizer about 45 minutes on masonite

Kevin's Pepsi Zero somewhat consumed bottle makes an appearance in a quick study! this was about an hour.. really flying!

below - a longer pose ( 1.2 hours) at HY's sat class.. great model!

a blocked in version earlier.. about 20 -30 mins..

20 minute study of same guy below.. with glasses on !

profile.. got carried away on nose shape !

tattoo girl ( forgot her name - but she poses well and doesn't really move!).. this was a study in getting leg forms and edges.. the face/head was only done in the last few mins or I'd get grief from Henry!..

longer study of figure from another class..

below some quick gestures that I dug/dig..

below - Claudio about an hour at HY sat class.. had the flu and went home to hide after this !

below - two quick studies ( about 40 - 1 hr) of the inner sunset ( irving and 9th ?) at lunchtime..

the other guy.. had to do an uplit quick study so Sen John McCain got the honors..


The_Geeks said...

Man this is a big update! Love the quick studies bro!

C.B. Canga said...

nice job kev. glad to see you are keeping busy.

Emerson Tung said...

love the last painting man, and the quick studies are cool! i can only imagine how fast you have to paint in that class.. love the gesture drawings too.

becronaut said...

Hey man! Long time no talk! These are amazing. How did you get so many pictures in one update!?!? Blogger only let's me post five max. How ya doin?