// kevin edit // kevin edit // kevin edit


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Two Paintings of Sophia Constance Ellis while subbing for Master Henry Yan last week at the Academy of Art University.

The top painting was for his clothed figure class and the bottom one for his Figure Painting 1 class.  I enjoyed working with his students ( and saw some of my students in his classes as well - like Greg H back from Afghanistan and hilarious as ever ( and still using Acrylics - what ?)

Figures from life on newsprint + charcoal from 2-20 minutes

2 20 minute figures and 2 gestures - all "Mira"

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Travis Schlaht workshop at Bay Area Classical Atelier - June 2013

David on Claessens; 18 x 15" - about 30 hours.

Had a great time painting with Travis Schlaht at Linda Dulaney's Bay Area Classical Atelier for two weeks in June.  The studio space is great with nice north light and the time with Travis was super useful for me.  I consider the above painting a learning tool more than a finished work.  It has many things I'd like to fix but it will be a good reminder of the things Travis reinforced with me at the workshop.   Ted Minoff is doing a 1 week portrait workshop @ BACAA soon - highly recommended as well!

Here is my small study on gessoboard from the last few hours of day 9 and 10. ( about 8 x 10")

Travis has such a fine control of drawing, value and color - it was a powerful refresher to see where I sometimes over-rely on color notes and might more usefully save them for key moments..  Much thinking on this to do!   To wit, I unearthed an older painting that I thought I would share, having re-photographed it with my Nikon!  ( still very unfinished with odd values and color notes here and there).  A fantastic model and person .. I shall miss her!

Sophia 18 x 24" oil on canvas. From life back in 2011!