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Thursday, August 14, 2014

During recent teaching sessions.. All from life via a Kevin Wueste workshop and a Robert Liberace workshop

Mary ZDO - with cool light; Oil on canvas; 8"x10"

The warm early version, the cooler paint-/over/ improvments..

5-10 minute head studies

5,10,20 and 40 minute head studies
Figure on twin-rocker paper prepared with Shellac.  Terra Cotta Verithin and White chalk. about 3 hours. Sold
I had the honor of assisting Robert Liberace again at the New Mexico Art League Drawing and Figure painting workshop.  I will post my paintings when they arrive and I photo them.  So far, I have this drawing to share!


Kan Muftic said...

You're a great inspiration, Kevin. Thanks for sharing these.

Anonymous said...

That is an enjoyable portrait and post!

I do like the cool-treatment, and the addition of some more darks (blouse, hair seems darkened). I especially love the blue accent lines around the face. That treatment really gives the painting some punch and vitality!

She's interesting...kind of melancholy, round cheekbones. Not fully sad, not happy. Lost somewhere in between.

Great job my friend!

Sandra Heading said...

Beautiful work ....from a genius !!! :)