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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Violinist - from life. Painted at a small workshop with Travis Schlaht - Jan 2015

"The Violinist" From life Jan 2015 - oil on masonite. 14 x 14"

The process for the painting.


stapeliad said...

Awesome as always.

Unknown said...

Kevin where do you teach I would love to learn from somebody who comes from the Fred fitzzler lineage like glen orbic ???

Ariel Gulluni said...

Wonderful portrait Kevin!

stapeliad said...

Awesome...I love the progression shots.

The Art of Kevin Wueste said...

Hi @TheAleg1974 - I teach at The Academy of Art University in San Francisco and hope to be doing some workshops in the US and abroad in coming months.. Cheers for you note!

thank you @Ariel Gulluni and @Jessica P!