Ok so, I had so much fun doing baby uno i did baby v2.0 today! about 10 hours total throughout the day - went faster than last time even though he/she is up-lit with also not such clear shadow shapes ( part of my goal was to paint less distinct shapes vs hard light/shadow forms.. the baby was on a really dark background so he/she kind of glows..tried to get that effect on oil paints ( reminds me of what Henry Yan says ( to get something light, you've got to have something DARK!!). I may do a little more fine tuning tomorrow but I am pleased w/the painting .. on 11x 14 utrecht canvas board same as the first one ;-) here are a few steps..
first - about 30 minutes in - the next step after basic block-in - using terra rosa; you can still see some lines i used to line up things like inside of eye and where the mouth edge and nostril would be .. i know when I like the block in if I'm going to enjoy going forward.. otherwise i wipe!

Next phase is to start laying in some lights and darks and values ( ultra-m and white, veridian, etc.,) - the face is pretty high key so I kind of went backwards ( lights, mostly first..).. i liked how it looked at this phase - it reminds me that even skin tones often have blue and green and yellow all over!!

now a pretty full block in of major colors and shapes.. feeling it's coming along ( this about 4 or 5 hours in).. lots of fixing and fine tuning to do with shapes and forms and eyeballs but I know what I need to do. I think..

Ok a big jump to the the near final.. I like enough to throw it up here.. wait that doesn't sound good.. but maybe I'll do one more little guy/gal but i think I'll do a few other things before! really enjoy the light on the face.. some fine tuning still to do on the eyes.. the baby's torso is - like a newborn i guess - splotchy and red and green and yellow and blue and.. well i didn't go hyper on the detail but tried to get the general values.. my eyeballs hurt - more to do yeah but I need to go to sleep!! (now it's the next morning) - ok now with an additional hour to fix some hard edges on his/her face and fine tune eyeballs and headshape.. it's nice out - i'm going for a bike Ride!!! ( the baby can't come with sorry to say)..

OK even more fine tuning - softening, fixing shapes and experimenting with edges ( re: Richard Schmidt).. almost done-ish ? U B da' judge!

wow this is geart one of your oil painttings. I like color value and vivid description.
hmm...are you working on a gallery series? =)
nice. are you specializing in baby portraits now? :)
no.. maybe it's my biological clock ticking ??? i just thought it'd be fun to try.. especially since babies are kind of amorphous and you have to really look to see the forms ( like the figure, say, vs an adult head which is much more defined structurally).. something like that ;-) -kevin
I really like baby dos - the contrast, the details - really shows off you advancing skills. Baby numero 3?
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