// kevin edit // kevin edit // kevin edit


Thursday, November 6, 2008

workshop and class paintings..

This figure is a 2.5 hour workshop painting.. experimenting with color and temp.. and everything.. ( they are like "sprints" these little workshop paintings!) can't wait to see what REAL sprints are like in quick studies w/Tomutsu next semester. Apropos of nothing (here), was reading about a presentation where Nelson Shanks said, roughly, that brush strokes are like a type face .. and are not the end but the means ( you don't see a lot of brush in his work).. um.. what to make of it at this point in my beginning.. i not sure!

Head painting class this last week - Eliza - in very bright light from high up.. i might work on this some more - she is a great model and it's no where near where i'd like it but .. um..

below another 2.5 hour quick oil sketch.. very plane-y.. but i liked how the model was standing..


Alyvia Plummer said...

I really like the top painting. Nice composition, shapes, and amazing colors. My eye is drawn around so that it never leaves the page. Two thumbs up!

C.B. Canga said...

good to see you keeping real busy. i especially like the portrait.

The_Geeks said...

The portrait is banging! I will see you Friday bro..later.

Gue said...

hey man, you still need 2 show me the pencil rendering technique! Nice portraits btw.

The Art of Kevin Wueste said...

more paintings up soon.. hopefully they will be even good-er ! gue, will drop you a note on your blog-o-sphere - any time I can show you how..


Carmen Chow said...

Good stuff Farcus!

needle+thread said...

love love love the second one, of the blonde girl. man, you've evolved ! love to peruse... hope all is well !

Carmen Chow said...

You told Marcus you changed your name to Farcus :P