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Sunday, March 22, 2009

more new.. still SO M UCH TO LEARN!

a quick study of times square in nyc in the rain.. it's kind of abstract but i think ( think) i like it ! ( about 2 hours)

below 20 min friday at mccla fo'sho'tened..

20 mins friday night.. she was super short like 4'11" but did very nice poses..

some 1's from friday night that i kept doodling on at the break..

some 5's from friday night..

another 10 or 20 from friday night..


Marko Krull said...

wonderful update! love all of it!

isabella said...

great figure studies as always!

and that nyc painting.....2 hours really?!?! impressive

Emerson Tung said...

Dude! Awesome landscape study! And the foreshortening pose is a killer as well.

Emerson Tung said...

Haha. Hey Kev. I only get to go for Chris' quickstudies on monday this semester. other workshops are clashing with either class or homework days :( and joko's class is seriously no joke when it comes to homework.