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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Some new gestures and a mini-cast drawing..

most all figures from life except the "fake" charcoal ( done in painter X)..  all between 1 and 20 minutes except for the digital work and the cast drawing.. more like 15 hours for that..


RYAN said...

You, sir, are amazing.

Arto Isotalo said...

Truly amazing drawing skills you have! No fussing there, just accurate, flowing lines. Also I like your use of lost and found edges.

Sandra Heading said...

LOLOL hEY theRe,' you are improving!!, beautiful work as ever...

Nick Orsi said...


Stephen Southerland said...

Fantastic work. This inspires me to keep working hard on my journey towards masterly draughtsmanship.

Emerson Tung said...

Amazing stuff as always, Kev. Hope to see you soon!

Deb Schmit said...

Hey nice work! Just found you through a facebook post.

Unknown said...

Hi Kevin,

Just saw your work on WetCanvas, but not being a member of that forum ( I frequent ArtPapa and like to limit my activities to one forum and spend that time actively there ), I wanted to send a note of appreciate for your works. Your work and approach is something I love and am trying to do myself as far as drawing human form goes. It appears that I derive a lot of inspiration from some of the artists you follow too like Tony Ryder, Henry Yan, Bridgman.. Keep up the good work and keep sharing.

Kiran TS

Adrian Jeanes said...

I love your free-flowing style. Great stuff!