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Friday, January 14, 2011

the work, always about the work.. you extraneous things can whatever!

Above some gestures from today 1 15 11 from Army street.  Model: Lixua

( as the extraneous things apparently do)  -- Some Army St gestures from Tuesday.. 5, 10 and 10 with a bit of work done when I got back to the compound..

10 minutes I think..

5 minute gesture above..

10 minute w/work after.. I liked it even better after sorting out some edges..


Sandra Heading said...

Your Life Drawing is hot even if you dont see it, we never like looking at our own work I think, well I dont! it mite be a leftie thing ~ ;)

-A. said...

dude,the 5 min gesture is my favorite of these. they're all sweet, but that one grabbed my eyeball right away

Todd M. Casey said...

beautiful stuff dude. loven em...

Jala Pfaff said...

P.S. So jealous - you've gotten to study with some of the greats.