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Sunday, January 2, 2011

A few figures and such..

All quick gestures from 1 1 11 at Army Street in San Francisco.  Jenny was the model.  from 2- 20 mins..

And above Sheila - never finished but some final adjustments got accomplished.  Thank you for so much Camie!


Sandra Heading said...

Wheres the Girl in the bigish Hat??? , All Lovely,~ Always !!!!

liz said...

Such Lovely work you do. Always amazing to see life drawing. As I do not have this talent but other talent I admire and it gives me inspiration to do better. Thanks for sharing.

Susan said...

Kevin, seeing your drawings always leaves me wanting more. The top post here is extraordinary - the way her body twists with the top part closer to the viewer, the feeling of total relaxation, your brilliant use of line for definition. I love your style.

Jala Pfaff said...

Love your figure work!
Will add you to my blogroll to come visit again. Lovely.