The Crane Wife - and other stories..
This is Anna Netrebko - Russian opera singer. Acylic on panel - quick study. about 5 x 8" on gessoboard
Kristin about 40 minutes 18 x 24"
Carey about 20 minutes (left) and 5 min gesture right..
This is what got me thinking about "The Crane Wife" - a song I love by the Decemberists.
Bob ? Meet Richard and, well, Bob!
I needed some Real Beauty ~injected into my not so great Day! --I look at your Figures and see such lyrical song in them, but I also think you seem to make the most plain like type pose's look quite Magical!
What a beautiful painting , Kevin... slowly and steady I can see more the subtle shapes and values...
Love the fogures. The three last ones, the one on the middle , Richard?.. and that leg supportting the weight of the body.... just great work!
very good paintings and drawings : )
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