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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Alexie Alla Prima. Oil Painting from Life. 8 x 10 on Canvas.About 2 hours

A new Model at the Tuesday night Academy of Art figure workshop the other night.  
I was exhausted from a long day in class but when she popped in, well it was ON.

Thank you Model Alexie for inspiring me!

A Poster study for a painting of Sophie.  On CanvaPaper.
Approximately 7 x 6"
I have not done a poster in a while and it felt great
to do one.  I learned this process/technique from Anthony Ryder and Anna Wakitsch @ the Anthony Ryder School in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Destined to remain unfinished - Christine

I substituted for the master Henry Yan ( humbly!) last week for his Figure Painting 1 class.  It's a great group and I enjoyed painting with them and helping them on their painting journey(s)!

Below is my painting/demo of Christine.  One of two amazing models for the class this this past week.  Only sorry I won't get to work any more on this ..  At any rate, I am happy with what is happening with my life paintings - a new level of "I know what to do here" has taken hold and it is pretty freeing.  On to the next!

About 11 x 14 on Canson Canva-Paper - oil paints from life.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"Richard - the Infamous"

Oil on Canvas Pad - about 120 minutes.

Lorraine - contrapposto demo drawing for my Figure 1 students.  About 10 minutes.
Carbon on Newsprint.

Both works created at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, CA.  Both from life.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Miracle/Master quality drawing skills can be yours! Read on!

I wanted to share with all of you my proud accomplishments - only completed moments ago .. finally proving that the less you practice and the more you skulk around on art forums, watching art dvds, reading art books, why - the better you will be! My course "Stop all that crazy nonsense ( e.g., practice)" will be available shortly at my website. Please use the following link " "stopallthatcrazynonsense.com" (tm) to connect to this invaluable new, 30 disk dvd series. It is in HD and additionally - 3d if you select the "super-lux" option ( only an additional 37.95 Euro) for your family pack of 3d glasses (3.2 units., approx.,).

This series will get you to the work seen below almost instantly (*note: other than the 400 hours it takes to watch the series w/o ANY practice whatsoever)!

 (note: this series is not available in Guatemala, Honduras, Poland, The Americas, Continental Europe, large portions of the Balkans and any country with "stan" in the name. Shipping and handling is on a by-country basis but is typically 100Euro ( measured by weight).


The crew at stopallthatcrazynonsense (dot com) (tm) ( registered, The Maldives - please note, also not available in the Maldives.

Wishing you all a great April and a great practice free drawing day!

(with thanks and apologies to Jason Seiler's awesome caricature books!)